Zimbabwean President, Mugabe Shouts “We Are Not Gays” During Epic UN Speech


Zimbabwe President, Robert Mugabe made headlines with his ground-breaking speech at the United Nations General Assembly on Monday telling the assembled world leaders “we are not gays.”

“Respecting and upholding human rights is the obligation of all states,” Mugabe said to start the section of his speech on the issue.

But he went on to say that “nowhere does the [United Nations Charter] abrogate the right of some to sit in judgment over others in carrying out this universal obligation,” rejecting what he called “politicization” and “double standards.”

“We equally reject attempts to prescribe new rights that are contrary to our values, norms, traditions, and beliefs,” Mugabe said. “We are not gays.”

Mugabe’s line earned him light applause and some laughter from the assembled diplomats. The nonagenarian’s bold utterances have sparked a ton of debate on social media with many people wowed at the man’s audacity.

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